Student Application Form

Steps to have Vancouver Family Homestays arrange your homestay:

1. If you have any questions about homestay, refer to our FAQ or contact us.

2. Complete the application form and pay the placement fee (our fee to arrange your homestay).

3. If you haven't arranged your flight to Vancouver yet, send us your flight details as soon as you do. Your host family will need to know when to expect you and we will need the details if you book our airport pickup service.

4. We will send your host family profile about four weeks prior to your arrival, or within a few days if you are arriving less than four weeks from now.

First Name(s):
Date of birth:
Phone number:
Mobile phone number:
Emergency contact name:
Emergency contact relationship:
Emergency contact e-mail:
Education completed:
Do you have allergies to pets?
Can you live with a dog?
Can you live with a cat?
Other allergies or medical conditions:
Tell us about yourself and any special requests:
Arrival date:
Arrival time - 24 hour clock:
Flight number:
Departure date from homestay:

Pay fees
We will proceed with arrangements for your homestay once you have paid your placement fee (our fee to arrange your homestay). You can pay by credit card or PayPal. You can also pay for airport transfers here. 

Placement fee:
Airport transfers:
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